2015年度冬季大会/The 2015 Winter Conference

2015年12月12日(土) 13:00~18:30
13:00-18:30 Saturday, December 12, 2015

Chukyo University Nagoya Campus (101-2 Yagoto Honmachi, Showa-ku, Nagoya-shi, AICHI)
Campus Map

参加費/Participation Fee:
会員/Members 無料/Free-of-Charge
非会員/Non-members \1,000


To download a report summary (pdf), click [abstract] on the right-hand-side of the reporter’s name.

自由報告部会1 /Free Presentations 1
13:00~15:15  0701教室 (センタービル(0号館)7階)
13:00-15:15 Lecture Room No.0701, 7F, Center Building

Chair: KONDO Atsushi (Meijo University)
  1. EU共通移民政策の発展とフランス移民政治の変容-家族再統合指令の受容に関する分析-
    植村充(東京大学大学院) 抄録/Abstract
    The Development of EU Common Immigration Policies and the Transformation of French Immigration Politics: An Analysis of EU Family Reunification Directives
    UEMURA Mitsuru(Graduate student, University of Tokyo)
  2. 欧州の防波堤としての北アフリカ諸国——国境管理の二重の外部化と再入国協定——
    南波慧(一橋大学大学院) 抄録/Abstract
    North Africa as Southern Buffer for Europe: Double Externalisation of Border Control and Readmission Agreements
    NAMBA Satoru (Graduate student, Hitotsubashi University)
  3. 第一次キャメロン政権期における既成政党の移民政策とイギリス独立党の躍進
    吉田公記 (法政大学大学院) 抄録/Abstract
    Immigration Policies of the Established Parties and the Rise of UKIP during the First Cameron Administration
    YOSHIDA Koki (Graduate student, Hosei University)
  4. 統合コース特別プログラムからみるドイツにおける今後の移民政策―難民出身者が受講する女性向け・アルファベットコースについての報告―
    佐野敦子(東京大学大学院) 抄録/Abstract
    The Significance of ‘Special’ Integration Courses in Germany:
    The Courses for Women and those without Sufficient Knowledge of the Latin Alphabet, Often Taken by Refugees
    SANO Atsuko (Assistant Technical Staff, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo)
  5. ドイツにおける留学生政策及び高度人材受入れ政策と日本への示唆
    佐藤由利子(東京工業大学) 抄録/Abstract
    International Student Policy and High Skilled Migration Policy in Germany: their Implications to Japan
    SATO Yuriko (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

自由報告部会2 /Free Presentations 2
13:00~15:15  0702教室 (センタービル(0号館)7階)
13:00-15:15 Lecture Room No.0702, 7F, Center Building

Chair: IKEGAMI Shigehiro (Shizuoka University of Art and Culture)
  1. 浜松におけるブラジル人移住第2世代の発信活動―発信を支えるエージェントの機能―
    近藤大祐 (静岡文化芸術大学大学院) 抄録/Abstract
    The Roles of Agents Supporting Second Generation Migrants from Brazil in Hamamatsu, in an Effort to Express Themselves
    KONDO Daisuke (Graduate Student, Shizuoka University of Art and Culture)
  2. 兵庫県における高校「特別入学枠」導入の経緯に関する研究
    大東直樹(神戸大学大学院) 抄録/Abstract
    Affirmative Action Programme of the High School Entrance Examination in Hyogo Prefecture
    OHIGASHI Naoki (Graduate Student, Kobe University)
  3. 不就学問題の再考-経済危機後の状況を踏まえて-
    山野上麻衣(一橋大学大学院) 抄録/Abstract
    Rethinking the Issues of Migrant Children Out-of-School: From the Experiences after the Global Financial Crisis
    YAMANOUE Mai (Graduate Student, Hitotsubashi University)
  4. 朝鮮学校における「祖国」の意味(2)-朝鮮学校と朝鮮民主主義人民共和国との関係から-
    山本かほり(愛知県立大学) 抄録/Abstract
    Meanings of the “Home Country” at Korean Schools in Japan
    YAMAMOTO Kaori (Aichi Prefectural University)

自由報告部会3 /Free Presentations 3
13:00~15:15 0705教室 (センタービル(0号館)7階)
13:00-15:15 Lecture Room No.0705, 7F, Center Building

Chair: TAKAIZAWA Saburo (Toyo Eiwa University)
  1. 職業紹介事業者を通じての外国人雇用における阻害的要因-在日ロシア語圏移住者の長期滞在者を事例に-
    ゴロウィナ クセーニヤ(東京大学大学院) 抄録/Abstract
    Inhibitory Factors Affecting Employment of Foreigners through Recruiting Agencies: A Case of Long-Term Residents from among the Russian-Speaking Migrants in Japan
    Ksenia Golovina(Graduate Student, The University of Tokyo)
  2. 在日ロシア語圏移住者の就労実態に関するオンラインアンケート調査-外国人材の労働市場参加の考察-
    ムヒナ ヴァルヴァラ(上智大学) 抄録/Abstract
    Employment Situation of Russian-speaking Immigrants in Japan: Participation of Foreign Residents in the Japanese Labour Market
    Varvara Mukhina (Sophia University)
  3. ブラジル系移民の帰還をめぐる移住システム-横浜市鶴見区の移民コミュニティにおけるジェンダー分業に着目して-
    藤浪海(一橋大学大学院、日本学術振興会特別研究員) 抄録/Abstract
    Migration System of Brazilian Returnees: Focusing on the Gender Division of Labour in the Immigrant Communities in Tsurumi, Yokohama
    FUJINAMI Kai(Graduate Student, Hitotsubashi University, JSPS Research Fellow)
  4. 多文化家族への支援-現状と課題
    佐竹眞明(名古屋学院大学) 抄録/Abstract
    Support to Cross-cultural Families in Japan: Current Situation and Challenges
    SATAKE Masaaki (Nagoya Gakuin University)

自由報告部会4 /Free Presentations 4 13:00~15:15  0706教室 (センタービル(0号館)7階)
13:00-15:15 Lecture Room No.0706, 7F, Center Building

Chair: SUGAWARA Shin (Nanzan University)
  1. 中国人留学生の帰国後の労働・生活・意識-山東省を中心として-
    張歓(神戸大学大学院) 抄録/Abstract
    Career, Life and Awareness of Chinese International Students after Returning from Japan to China: A Survey in Shandong Province
    Zhang Huan (Graduate Student, Kobe University)
  2. 中国人若年高度人材の国際労働移動に関する予備的考察-上海・大連における調査事例から-
    松下奈美子(名古屋産業大学) 抄録/Abstract
    A Preliminary Study on the International Labour Mobility of Highly Skilled Young Chinese: Research on the Cases of Shanghai and Dalian
    MATSUSHITA Namiko(Nagoya Sangyo University)
  3. 差別を減少させる差別禁止政策の最適な組み合わせ
    五十嵐彰(東北大学) 抄録/Abstract
    The Most Effective Combination of Anti-discrimination Policies to Reduce Discrimination
    IGARASHI Akira (Tohoku University)
  4. 「多文化主義」をいかに理解すべきか
    辻康夫(北海道大学) 抄録/Abstract
    How Should We Reconstruct ‘Multiculturalism’?
    TSUJI Yasuo (Hokkaido University)

国際セッション/International Session
13:00~15:15 0704教室(センタービル(0号館)7階)
13:00-15:15 Lecture Room No.0704, 7F, Center Building

Chair: IGUCHI Yasushi (Kwansei Gakuin University)
  1. Economic Study on the Generation Effect of Immigrants and the Reform of the Social Integration Policy in Japan
    SAEKI Yasutaka (Graduate Student, Kwansei Gakuin University) [Abstract]
  2. Shifting out of Border Control to Keep ‘Unwanted’ People Away: the Case of the EU
    HORII Satoko(Akita International University) [Abstract]

シンポジウム/Symposium 15:30-18:30 0704教室(センタービル(0号館)7階)
15:30-18:30 Lecture Room No.0704,7F,Center Building

Theme: Education Policies for Immigrants and School Adaptations of Second Generation Migrants in Europe

Chair: YAMAMOTO Sumiko (Toyo University)

  1. 趣旨説明
    山本須美子(東洋大学) 抄録/Abstract
    Introduction and Overview
    YAMAMOTO Sumiko (Toyo University)
  2. 移民第二世代の学校適応―OECD移民教育調査にみるその多様性
    齋藤里美(東洋大学) 抄録/Abstract
    School Adaptations of Second Generations- Diversity Shown in the OECD-PISA
    SAITO Satomi (Toyo University)
  3. フランスとイギリスにおける移民第二世代に対する教育政策の比較
    小山晶子(東海大学) 抄録/Abstract
    Education Policies of Second-generation Migrant Children in France and England
    OYAMA Seiko (Tokai University)
  4. ベルギーの移民教育政策の現状と学校適応
    見原礼子 (長崎大学) 抄録/Abstract
    Education Policies for Immigrants and School Adaptations of Second Generation Migrants in Belgium
    MIHARA Reiko (Nagasaki University)
  5. フランスのポルトガル系移民の学校適応―政治家の事例から
    鈴木規子(東洋大学) 抄録/Abstract
    School Adaptations of Portuguese Migrant Children in France: Cases of Portuguese Politicians
    SUZUKI Noriko (Toyo University)
  6. イギリスのムスリム女性の学校適応―教育をめぐる交渉戦略
    安達智史(近畿大学) 抄録/Abstract
    School Adaptations of Muslim Women in Britain: Negotiation Strategies on Education
    ADACHI Satoshi (Kinki University)
Commentator: ISHIKAWA Shinsaku (Tohoku Gakuin University)

懇親会/Reception 18:45~ プレジール(センタービル2F)
18:45- Plasir, 2F,Center Building
懇親会費/Reception Fee  ¥4,000










JAMPS is calling for papers for the 2015 Winter Conference. Members interested in giving a presentation at this conference should refer to the file below.


Date: Saturday, December 12, 2015
Time: 13:00~15:00 (tentative)
Venue: Chukyo University

(Further details of the conference shall be posted on this page upon confirmation.)

The submission deadline for paper proposals is Saturday, October 17, 2015.
Please refer to the following file for details.
The Secretariat reserves the right to amend English title, if necessary.
Thank you for your understanding in advance.

JAMPS Paper Proposal Application and Guidelines

2015年度年次大会 The 2015 Annual Conference

10:00-17:45 Saturday, May 30, 2015 (Reception 18:00-)
10:00-17:45 Sunday, May 31, 2015

大東文化会館 東京都板橋区徳丸2-4-21
Daito Bunka Kaikan 2-4-21, Tokumaru, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo

Means of Access
The Nearest Station: Tobu Nerima Station, Tobu Tojo Line http://www.daito.ac.jp/english/access/index.html
http://www.daito.ac.jp/file/block_49512_01.pdf (in Japanese)

参加費/Participation Fee
会員/Members 無料/Free-of-Charge
非会員/Non-Members ¥1,000


5月30日(土)/ Saturday, May 30

開会の辞/Opening Remarks

来賓祝辞/Congratulatory Address
(Former Japanese Ambassador to the International Organizations in Geneva (2008-2011)/ Former Chairperson of the Council of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) ( 2009-2010))

特別講演会/Special Lecture
13:30〜14:50 1階ホール
13:30-14:50 Hall, 1F

Theme: Japan’s Refugee Policy: from a Perspective of International Public Goods

Lecturer: TAKIZAWA Saburo (Professor, Toyo Eiwa University, former UNHCR Representative in Japan)

Chair: HASHIMOTO Naoko (Program Manager, IOM (International Organization for Migration))

君塚宏(法務省入国管理局審判課長 (前難民認定室長))
KIMIZUKA Hiroshi (Director, Adjudication Divisdion, Immigration Bureau, Ministry of Justice)
Tin Win ( Chairman, FWUBC (Federation of Worker's Union of the Burmese Citizen)) 
Nang Seng Heng (Daito Bunka University)

特別報告/Special Report

15:10〜15:50  1階ホール
15:10-15:50 Hall, 1F

Theme “2016 International Metropolis Conference in Aichi-Nagoya”

Reporter: IGUCHI Yasushi (Kwansei Gakuin University)

Chair: HASHIMOTO Naoko (IMO (International Organization for Migration))

総会/General Meeting
16:00〜17:30  1階ホール
16:00-17:30 Hall, 1F

18:00〜20:00 マザーリーフ東武練馬店
18:00-20:00 Mother Leaf Tobu Nerima

◇小林真生 : ma716☆yahoo.co.jp

For preparation purposes, participants wishing to attend the reception (participation fee: JPY 4,000; students: JPY 3,000) are cordially requested to contact one of the organisers below by Thursday, May 28.
- Chizuko Kawamura: chizuko☆wine.ocn.ne.jp
- Masao Kobayashi: ma716☆yahoo.co.jp
(Please replace"☆"with"@")

The reception will take the form of a seated buffet.

5月31日(日)/ Sunday, May 31

自由報告・国際セッション/Free Presentations and International Session

To download a report summary (pdf), click [abstract]on the right-hand-side of the reporter’s name.

<自由報告Ⅰ> /Free PresentationsⅠ
10:00~12:00 3階302会議室
10:00-12:00 Room 302, 3F

Chair: ISHII Yuka (University of Shizuoka)

  1. アフリカン・アントレプレナーのトランスナショナルな移動と社会的ネットワーク ―ニューヨーク・ハーレムにおけるセネガル出身ムリッドを事例に―
    African entrepreneurs’ Transnational Migration and Social Networks:A Case Study of Senegalese Mourides in New York
    榎並ゆかり(同志社大学大学院) 抄録/Abstract
    ENAMI Yukari (Graduate Student, Doshisha University)
  2. 仁川チャイナタウン構想と仁川華僑のかかわりに関する一考察
    Relation between the Inchon Chinatown Concept and Inchon Overseas Chinese
    川本綾(大阪市立大学) 抄録/Abstract
    KAWAMOTO Aya (Osaka City University)
  3. 多文化コミュニティ構築に資する施策と人材-ドイツ、韓国、シンガポール調査から-
    Programs and Human Resources Contributing to Multicultural Communities: Research results from Germany, Korea and Singapore
    松岡洋子(岩手大学) 抄録/Abstract
    MATSUOKA Yoko (Iwate University)
<自由報告Ⅱ> /Free Presentations Ⅱ
10:00~12:00 4階404会議室
10:00-12:00 Room 404, 4F

Chair: YOSHITOMI Shizuyo (Osaka University)

  1. 無国籍概念の憲法理論上の位置づけ:無国籍問題の法的認識可能性
    Constitutional Insights on Statelessness: Exploring the Possibility of the Legal Recognition of Statelessness
    渡貫 諒 (国際基督教大学社会科学研究所) 抄録/Abstract
    WATANUKI Ryo (ICU Social Science Research Institute)
  2. 難民不認定処分と庇護申請数増加のダイナミズム―日本におけるトルコ国籍クルド人を事例として―
    Increasing Applications in the Context of Continuing Denials of Recognition of Refugee Status: Kurdish Asylum Seekers from Turkey in Japan
    土田千愛(東京大学大学院) 抄録/Abstract
    TSUCHIDA Chiaki (Graduate Student, The University of Tokyo)
  3. 現代日本における中国出身留学生の将来設計に関する一考察
    An Analysis of Chinese Students’ Life Plans in Contemporary Japan
    馬文甜(筑波大学大学院) 抄録/Abstract
    MA Wentian (Graduate Student, University of Tsukuba)
  4. ポスト多文化共生と移民推進論の考察
    A Study of Post-multicultural Coexistence and Pro-immigration Views
    大重史朗(中央学院大学) 抄録/Abstract
    OSHIGE Fumio (Chuo Gakuin University)
<国際セッション> International Session
10:00~12:00 1階ホール
10:00-12:00 Hall, 1F

Chair: IGUCHI Yasushi (Kwansei Gakuin University)

  1. Why Does More Labor Migration Not Occur under the Japanese “Guestworker” Program? An Insight from the Seafood Processing Industry
    MAZUMI Yusuke(Osaka University of Commerce) Abstract
  2. Teachers Know Best: Monolithic School Reform and the Threat to Ethnic Family Time
    Alec R. LEMAY (Sophia University) Abstract
  3. African Migrants, Security Measures and a New Fence: Soldiers’ experiences on the Egyptian-Israeli border Efrat Ben-Ze’ev (Ruppin Academic Center and Hebrew University) Abstract
    This paper was written in collaboration with Nir Gazit, who cannot attend the JAMPS conference.
  4. New Trends in Irregular Migration under Economic Integration in North-east and South-east Asia
    IGUCHI Yasushi (Kwansei Gakuin University) Abstract
14:00〜17:30  1階ホール
14:00-17:30 Hall, 1F

Theme: Immigrants and Life Cycles: Rethinking Migration Policies in Japan

基調報告・ファシリテータ: 川村千鶴子(大東文化大学) 抄録/Abstract
Chair and Facilitator: KAWAMURA Chizuko (Daito Bunka University)

パネルディスカッション/Panel Discussion
日本の移民政策への提言/Views on Japan’s Migration Policy

  1. 在留カード上無国籍の両親を持つ日本生まれのチベット人の赤ちゃんの法的地位
    The Legal Status of Japan-born Tibetan Children Whose Parents are listed as "Stateless" on their Residence Cards
    三谷純子(東京大学大学院) 抄録/Abstract
    MITANI Junko (Graduate Student, The University of Tokyo)
  2. 共に学ぶ、外国人学校の変化にみるダイバーシティ
    Studying Together, Diversity seen in the Transition of Japan’s Foreign Schools
    郭潔蓉(東京未来大学) 抄録/Abstract
    KAKU Iyo (Tokyo Future University)
  3. トンガ人ラグビー選手がもたらしたダイバーシティ
    The Diversity brought about by Tongan Rugby Players
    小林真生 (大阪経済法科大学) 抄録/Abstract
    KOBAYASHI Masao (Osaka University of Economics and Law)
  4. 共に働く「地方都市の再生と多文化共生政策」
    Working Together: Multiculturalism and the Revival of Local Municipalities
    佐々木てる(青森大学) 抄録/Abstract
    SASAKI Teru (Aomori University)
  5. 家族の多文化・多民族化をめぐる可能性
    The Social Impact of Families with Multicultural and Multi-ethnic Roots
    武田里子(大阪経済法科大学) 抄録/Abstract
    TAKEDA Satoko (Osaka University of Economics and Law)
総括コメンテーター/Overall Commentators
KONDO Atsushi (Meijo University)
法学研究の立場からの各報告に対する問題提起 抄録/Abstract
”Diversity” in Law and Policy

WATADO Ichiro (Meisei University)
都市エスニシティ研究の立場からの各報告に対する問題提起 抄録/Abstract
From the Viewpoint of Urban Ethnicity










JAMPS is calling for papers for the 2015 Annual Conference. Members interested in giving a presentation at this conference should refer to the file below.


Date: Sunday, May 31, 2015
Time: 10:00~12:00 (tentative)
Venue: Daito Bunka University

(Further details of the conference shall be posted on this page upon confirmation.)

The submission deadline for paper proposals is Monday, April 13, 2015.
Please refer to the following file for details.

JAMPS Paper Proposal Application and Guidelines

2015年度冬季大会/The 2015 Winter Conference

2015年12月12日(土) 13:00~18:30
13:00-18:30 Saturday, December 12, 2015

Chukyo University Nagoya Campus (101-2 Yagoto Honmachi, Showa-ku, Nagoya-shi, AICHI)
Campus Map

参加費/Participation Fee:
会員/Members 無料/Free-of-Charge
非会員/Non-members \1,000


To download a report summary (pdf), click [abstract] on the right-hand-side of the reporter’s name.

自由報告部会1 /Free Presentations 1
13:00~15:15  0701教室 (センタービル(0号館)7階)
13:00-15:15 Lecture Room No.0701, 7F, Center Building

Chair: KONDO Atsushi (Meijo University)
  1. EU共通移民政策の発展とフランス移民政治の変容-家族再統合指令の受容に関する分析-
    植村充(東京大学大学院) 抄録/Abstract
    The Development of EU Common Immigration Policies and the Transformation of French Immigration Politics: An Analysis of EU Family Reunification Directives
    UEMURA Mitsuru(Graduate student, University of Tokyo)
  2. 欧州の防波堤としての北アフリカ諸国——国境管理の二重の外部化と再入国協定——
    南波慧(一橋大学大学院) 抄録/Abstract
    North Africa as Southern Buffer for Europe: Double Externalisation of Border Control and Readmission Agreements
    NAMBA Satoru (Graduate student, Hitotsubashi University)
  3. 第一次キャメロン政権期における既成政党の移民政策とイギリス独立党の躍進
    吉田公記 (法政大学大学院) 抄録/Abstract
    Immigration Policies of the Established Parties and the Rise of UKIP during the First Cameron Administration
    YOSHIDA Koki (Graduate student, Hosei University)
  4. 統合コース特別プログラムからみるドイツにおける今後の移民政策―難民出身者が受講する女性向け・アルファベットコースについての報告―
    佐野敦子(東京大学大学院) 抄録/Abstract
    The Significance of ‘Special’ Integration Courses in Germany:
    The Courses for Women and those without Sufficient Knowledge of the Latin Alphabet, Often Taken by Refugees
    SANO Atsuko (Assistant Technical Staff, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo)
  5. ドイツにおける留学生政策及び高度人材受入れ政策と日本への示唆
    佐藤由利子(東京工業大学) 抄録/Abstract
    International Student Policy and High Skilled Migration Policy in Germany: their Implications to Japan
    SATO Yuriko (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

自由報告部会2 /Free Presentations 2
13:00~15:15  0702教室 (センタービル(0号館)7階)
13:00-15:15 Lecture Room No.0702, 7F, Center Building

Chair: IKEGAMI Shigehiro (Shizuoka University of Art and Culture)
  1. 浜松におけるブラジル人移住第2世代の発信活動―発信を支えるエージェントの機能―
    近藤大祐 (静岡文化芸術大学大学院) 抄録/Abstract
    The Roles of Agents Supporting Second Generation Migrants from Brazil in Hamamatsu, in an Effort to Express Themselves
    KONDO Daisuke (Graduate Student, Shizuoka University of Art and Culture)
  2. 兵庫県における高校「特別入学枠」導入の経緯に関する研究
    大東直樹(神戸大学大学院) 抄録/Abstract
    Affirmative Action Programme of the High School Entrance Examination in Hyogo Prefecture
    OHIGASHI Naoki (Graduate Student, Kobe University)
  3. 不就学問題の再考-経済危機後の状況を踏まえて-
    山野上麻衣(一橋大学大学院) 抄録/Abstract
    Rethinking the Issues of Migrant Children Out-of-School: From the Experiences after the Global Financial Crisis
    YAMANOUE Mai (Graduate Student, Hitotsubashi University)
  4. 朝鮮学校における「祖国」の意味(2)-朝鮮学校と朝鮮民主主義人民共和国との関係から-
    山本かほり(愛知県立大学) 抄録/Abstract
    Meanings of the “Home Country” at Korean Schools in Japan
    YAMAMOTO Kaori (Aichi Prefectural University)

自由報告部会3 /Free Presentations 3
13:00~15:15 0705教室 (センタービル(0号館)7階)
13:00-15:15 Lecture Room No.0705, 7F, Center Building

Chair: TAKAIZAWA Saburo (Toyo Eiwa University)
  1. 職業紹介事業者を通じての外国人雇用における阻害的要因-在日ロシア語圏移住者の長期滞在者を事例に-
    ゴロウィナ クセーニヤ(東京大学大学院) 抄録/Abstract
    Inhibitory Factors Affecting Employment of Foreigners through Recruiting Agencies: A Case of Long-Term Residents from among the Russian-Speaking Migrants in Japan
    Ksenia Golovina(Graduate Student, The University of Tokyo)
  2. 在日ロシア語圏移住者の就労実態に関するオンラインアンケート調査-外国人材の労働市場参加の考察-
    ムヒナ ヴァルヴァラ(上智大学) 抄録/Abstract
    Employment Situation of Russian-speaking Immigrants in Japan: Participation of Foreign Residents in the Japanese Labour Market
    Varvara Mukhina (Sophia University)
  3. ブラジル系移民の帰還をめぐる移住システム-横浜市鶴見区の移民コミュニティにおけるジェンダー分業に着目して-
    藤浪海(一橋大学大学院、日本学術振興会特別研究員) 抄録/Abstract
    Migration System of Brazilian Returnees: Focusing on the Gender Division of Labour in the Immigrant Communities in Tsurumi, Yokohama
    FUJINAMI Kai(Graduate Student, Hitotsubashi University, JSPS Research Fellow)
  4. 多文化家族への支援-現状と課題
    佐竹眞明(名古屋学院大学) 抄録/Abstract
    Support to Cross-cultural Families in Japan: Current Situation and Challenges
    SATAKE Masaaki (Nagoya Gakuin University)

自由報告部会4 /Free Presentations 4 13:00~15:15  0706教室 (センタービル(0号館)7階)
13:00-15:15 Lecture Room No.0706, 7F, Center Building

Chair: SUGAWARA Shin (Nanzan University)
  1. 中国人留学生の帰国後の労働・生活・意識-山東省を中心として-
    張歓(神戸大学大学院) 抄録/Abstract
    Career, Life and Awareness of Chinese International Students after Returning from Japan to China: A Survey in Shandong Province
    Zhang Huan (Graduate Student, Kobe University)
  2. 中国人若年高度人材の国際労働移動に関する予備的考察-上海・大連における調査事例から-
    松下奈美子(名古屋産業大学) 抄録/Abstract
    A Preliminary Study on the International Labour Mobility of Highly Skilled Young Chinese: Research on the Cases of Shanghai and Dalian
    MATSUSHITA Namiko(Nagoya Sangyo University)
  3. 差別を減少させる差別禁止政策の最適な組み合わせ
    五十嵐彰(東北大学) 抄録/Abstract
    The Most Effective Combination of Anti-discrimination Policies to Reduce Discrimination
    IGARASHI Akira (Tohoku University)
  4. 「多文化主義」をいかに理解すべきか
    辻康夫(北海道大学) 抄録/Abstract
    How Should We Reconstruct ‘Multiculturalism’?
    TSUJI Yasuo (Hokkaido University)

国際セッション/International Session
13:00~15:15 0704教室(センタービル(0号館)7階)
13:00-15:15 Lecture Room No.0704, 7F, Center Building

Chair: IGUCHI Yasushi (Kwansei Gakuin University)
  1. Economic Study on the Generation Effect of Immigrants and the Reform of the Social Integration Policy in Japan
    SAEKI Yasutaka (Graduate Student, Kwansei Gakuin University) [Abstract]
  2. Shifting out of Border Control to Keep ‘Unwanted’ People Away: the Case of the EU
    HORII Satoko(Akita International University) [Abstract]

シンポジウム/Symposium 15:30-18:30 0704教室(センタービル(0号館)7階)
15:30-18:30 Lecture Room No.0704,7F,Center Building

Theme: Education Policies for Immigrants and School Adaptations of Second Generation Migrants in Europe

Chair: YAMAMOTO Sumiko (Toyo University)

  1. 趣旨説明
    山本須美子(東洋大学) 抄録/Abstract
    Introduction and Overview
    YAMAMOTO Sumiko (Toyo University)
  2. 移民第二世代の学校適応―OECD移民教育調査にみるその多様性
    齋藤里美(東洋大学) 抄録/Abstract
    School Adaptations of Second Generations- Diversity Shown in the OECD-PISA
    SAITO Satomi (Toyo University)
  3. フランスとイギリスにおける移民第二世代に対する教育政策の比較
    小山晶子(東海大学) 抄録/Abstract
    Education Policies of Second-generation Migrant Children in France and England
    OYAMA Seiko (Tokai University)
  4. ベルギーの移民教育政策の現状と学校適応
    見原礼子 (長崎大学) 抄録/Abstract
    Education Policies for Immigrants and School Adaptations of Second Generation Migrants in Belgium
    MIHARA Reiko (Nagasaki University)
  5. フランスのポルトガル系移民の学校適応―政治家の事例から
    鈴木規子(東洋大学) 抄録/Abstract
    School Adaptations of Portuguese Migrant Children in France: Cases of Portuguese Politicians
    SUZUKI Noriko (Toyo University)
  6. イギリスのムスリム女性の学校適応―教育をめぐる交渉戦略
    安達智史(近畿大学) 抄録/Abstract
    School Adaptations of Muslim Women in Britain: Negotiation Strategies on Education
    ADACHI Satoshi (Kinki University)
Commentator: ISHIKAWA Shinsaku (Tohoku Gakuin University)

懇親会/Reception 18:45~ プレジール(センタービル2F)
18:45- Plasir, 2F,Center Building
懇親会費/Reception Fee  ¥4,000

JAMPS 2015 Winter Conference – Call for Papers

<International Session (in English)>

JAMPS is calling for papers for the 2015 Spring Conference. Members interested in giving a presentation at this conference should refer to the file below.


Date: Saturday, December 12, 2015
Time: 13:00~15:00 (tentative)
Venue: Chukyo University

(Further details of the conference shall be posted on this page upon confirmation.)

The submission deadline for paper proposals is Saturday, October 17, 2015.
Please refer to the following file for details.
The Secretariat reserves the right to amend English title, if necessary.
Thank you for your understanding in advance.

JAMPS Paper Proposal Application and Guidelines

<Free Presentations (in Japanese)>







2015年度年次大会 The 2015 Annual Conference

10:00-17:45 Saturday, May 30, 2015 (Reception 18:00-)
10:00-17:45 Sunday, May 31, 2015

大東文化会館 東京都板橋区徳丸2-4-21
Daito Bunka Kaikan 2-4-21, Tokumaru, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo

Means of Access
The Nearest Station: Tobu Nerima Station, Tobu Tojo Line http://www.daito.ac.jp/english/access/index.html
http://www.daito.ac.jp/file/block_49512_01.pdf (in Japanese)

参加費/Participation Fee
会員/Members 無料/Free-of-Charge
非会員/Non-Members ¥1,000


5月30日(土)/ Saturday, May 30

開会の辞/Opening Remarks

来賓祝辞/Congratulatory Address
(Former Japanese Ambassador to the International Organizations in Geneva (2008-2011)/ Former Chairperson of the Council of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) ( 2009-2010))

特別講演会/Special Lecture
13:30〜14:50 1階ホール
13:30-14:50 Hall, 1F

Theme: Japan’s Refugee Policy: from a Perspective of International Public Goods

Lecturer: TAKIZAWA Saburo (Professor, Toyo Eiwa University, former UNHCR Representative in Japan)

Chair: HASHIMOTO Naoko (Program Manager, IOM (International Organization for Migration))

君塚宏(法務省入国管理局審判課長 (前難民認定室長))
KIMIZUKA Hiroshi (Director, Adjudication Divisdion, Immigration Bureau, Ministry of Justice)
Tin Win ( Chairman, FWUBC (Federation of Worker's Union of the Burmese Citizen)) 
Nang Seng Heng (Daito Bunka University)

特別報告/Special Report

15:10〜15:50  1階ホール
15:10-15:50 Hall, 1F

Theme “2016 International Metropolis Conference in Aichi-Nagoya”

Reporter: IGUCHI Yasushi (Kwansei Gakuin University)

Chair: HASHIMOTO Naoko (IMO (International Organization for Migration))

総会/General Meeting
16:00〜17:30  1階ホール
16:00-17:30 Hall, 1F

18:00〜20:00 マザーリーフ東武練馬店
18:00-20:00 Mother Leaf Tobu Nerima

◇小林真生 : ma716☆yahoo.co.jp

For preparation purposes, participants wishing to attend the reception (participation fee: JPY 4,000; students: JPY 3,000) are cordially requested to contact one of the organisers below by Thursday, May 28.
- Chizuko Kawamura: chizuko☆wine.ocn.ne.jp
- Masao Kobayashi: ma716☆yahoo.co.jp
(Please replace"☆"with"@")

The reception will take the form of a seated buffet.

5月31日(日)/ Sunday, May 31

自由報告・国際セッション/Free Presentations and International Session

To download a report summary (pdf), click [abstract]on the right-hand-side of the reporter’s name.

<自由報告Ⅰ> /Free PresentationsⅠ
10:00~12:00 3階302会議室
10:00-12:00 Room 302, 3F

Chair: ISHII Yuka (University of Shizuoka)

  1. アフリカン・アントレプレナーのトランスナショナルな移動と社会的ネットワーク ―ニューヨーク・ハーレムにおけるセネガル出身ムリッドを事例に―
    African entrepreneurs’ Transnational Migration and Social Networks:A Case Study of Senegalese Mourides in New York
    榎並ゆかり(同志社大学大学院) 抄録/Abstract
    ENAMI Yukari (Graduate Student, Doshisha University)
  2. 仁川チャイナタウン構想と仁川華僑のかかわりに関する一考察
    Relation between the Inchon Chinatown Concept and Inchon Overseas Chinese
    川本綾(大阪市立大学) 抄録/Abstract
    KAWAMOTO Aya (Osaka City University)
  3. 多文化コミュニティ構築に資する施策と人材-ドイツ、韓国、シンガポール調査から-
    Programs and Human Resources Contributing to Multicultural Communities: Research results from Germany, Korea and Singapore
    松岡洋子(岩手大学) 抄録/Abstract
    MATSUOKA Yoko (Iwate University)
<自由報告Ⅱ> /Free Presentations Ⅱ
10:00~12:00 4階404会議室
10:00-12:00 Room 404, 4F

Chair: YOSHITOMI Shizuyo (Osaka University)

  1. 無国籍概念の憲法理論上の位置づけ:無国籍問題の法的認識可能性
    Constitutional Insights on Statelessness: Exploring the Possibility of the Legal Recognition of Statelessness
    渡貫 諒 (国際基督教大学社会科学研究所) 抄録/Abstract
    WATANUKI Ryo (ICU Social Science Research Institute)
  2. 難民不認定処分と庇護申請数増加のダイナミズム―日本におけるトルコ国籍クルド人を事例として―
    Increasing Applications in the Context of Continuing Denials of Recognition of Refugee Status: Kurdish Asylum Seekers from Turkey in Japan
    土田千愛(東京大学大学院) 抄録/Abstract
    TSUCHIDA Chiaki (Graduate Student, The University of Tokyo)
  3. 現代日本における中国出身留学生の将来設計に関する一考察
    An Analysis of Chinese Students’ Life Plans in Contemporary Japan
    馬文甜(筑波大学大学院) 抄録/Abstract
    MA Wentian (Graduate Student, University of Tsukuba)
  4. ポスト多文化共生と移民推進論の考察
    A Study of Post-multicultural Coexistence and Pro-immigration Views
    大重史朗(中央学院大学) 抄録/Abstract
    OSHIGE Fumio (Chuo Gakuin University)
<国際セッション> International Session
10:00~12:00 1階ホール
10:00-12:00 Hall, 1F

Chair: IGUCHI Yasushi (Kwansei Gakuin University)

  1. Why Does More Labor Migration Not Occur under the Japanese “Guestworker” Program? An Insight from the Seafood Processing Industry
    MAZUMI Yusuke(Osaka University of Commerce) Abstract
  2. Teachers Know Best: Monolithic School Reform and the Threat to Ethnic Family Time
    Alec R. LEMAY (Sophia University) Abstract
  3. African Migrants, Security Measures and a New Fence: Soldiers’ experiences on the Egyptian-Israeli border Efrat Ben-Ze’ev (Ruppin Academic Center and Hebrew University) Abstract
    This paper was written in collaboration with Nir Gazit, who cannot attend the JAMPS conference.
  4. New Trends in Irregular Migration under Economic Integration in North-east and South-east Asia
    IGUCHI Yasushi (Kwansei Gakuin University) Abstract
14:00〜17:30  1階ホール
14:00-17:30 Hall, 1F

Theme: Immigrants and Life Cycles: Rethinking Migration Policies in Japan

基調報告・ファシリテータ: 川村千鶴子(大東文化大学) 抄録/Abstract
Chair and Facilitator: KAWAMURA Chizuko (Daito Bunka University)

パネルディスカッション/Panel Discussion
日本の移民政策への提言/Views on Japan’s Migration Policy

  1. 在留カード上無国籍の両親を持つ日本生まれのチベット人の赤ちゃんの法的地位
    The Legal Status of Japan-born Tibetan Children Whose Parents are listed as "Stateless" on their Residence Cards
    三谷純子(東京大学大学院) 抄録/Abstract
    MITANI Junko (Graduate Student, The University of Tokyo)
  2. 共に学ぶ、外国人学校の変化にみるダイバーシティ
    Studying Together, Diversity seen in the Transition of Japan’s Foreign Schools
    郭潔蓉(東京未来大学) 抄録/Abstract
    KAKU Iyo (Tokyo Future University)
  3. トンガ人ラグビー選手がもたらしたダイバーシティ
    The Diversity brought about by Tongan Rugby Players
    小林真生 (大阪経済法科大学) 抄録/Abstract
    KOBAYASHI Masao (Osaka University of Economics and Law)
  4. 共に働く「地方都市の再生と多文化共生政策」
    Working Together: Multiculturalism and the Revival of Local Municipalities
    佐々木てる(青森大学) 抄録/Abstract
    SASAKI Teru (Aomori University)
  5. 家族の多文化・多民族化をめぐる可能性
    The Social Impact of Families with Multicultural and Multi-ethnic Roots
    武田里子(大阪経済法科大学) 抄録/Abstract
    TAKEDA Satoko (Osaka University of Economics and Law)
総括コメンテーター/Overall Commentators
KONDO Atsushi (Meijo University)
法学研究の立場からの各報告に対する問題提起 抄録/Abstract
”Diversity” in Law and Policy

WATADO Ichiro (Meisei University)
都市エスニシティ研究の立場からの各報告に対する問題提起 抄録/Abstract
From the Viewpoint of Urban Ethnicity










JAMPS is calling for papers for the 2015 Annual Conference. Members interested in giving a presentation at this conference should refer to the file below.


Date: Sunday, May 31, 2015
Time: 10:00~12:00 (tentative)
Venue: Daito Bunka University

(Further details of the conference shall be posted on this page upon confirmation.)

The submission deadline for paper proposals is Monday, April 13, 2015.
Please refer to the following file for details.

JAMPS Paper Proposal Application and Guidelines

JAMPS 2015 Annual Conference – Call for Papers

<International Session (in English)>

JAMPS is calling for papers for the 2015 Annual Conference. Members interested in giving a presentation at this conference should refer to the file below.


Date: Sunday, May 31, 2015
Time: 10:00~12:00 (tentative)
Venue: Daito Bunka University

(Further details of the conference shall be posted on this page upon confirmation.)

The submission deadline for paper proposals is Monday, April 13, 2015.
Please refer to the following file for details.

JAMPS Paper Proposal Application and Guidelines

<Free Presentations (in Japanese)>







2015年度春季大会/The 2015 Spring Conference

2015年3月14日(土) 13:30~16:00
13:30-16:00 Saturday, March 14, 2015

早稲田大学(東京・早稲田キャンパス) 15号館04教室
Room 04, Building 15, Waseda University (Waseda Campus)
Access/Campus Map:

参加費/Participation Fee:
会員/Members 無料/Free-of-Charge
非会員/Non-members \1,000


To download a report summary (pdf), click [abstract] on the right-hand-side of the reporter’s name.

Chair: YAMAMOTO Kaori (Aichi Prefectural University)

  1. 外国にルーツをもつ子どもの教科教育と高校進学―岐阜県X市を事例に―
    Curricula and High School Entrance of Children with Roots in a Foreign Country: A Case Study of City X, Gifu
    角南まち子(名古屋市立大学大学院) 抄録/Abstract
    SUNAMI Machiko (Graduate Student, Nagoya City University)
  2. 公立朝鮮人学校の設立と廃止―東京都を事例に―
    The Rise and Fall of Public Korean Schools in Tokyo
    崔紗華(早稲田大学大学院) 抄録/Abstract
    CHOI Safa (Graduate Student, Waseda University)
  3. 外国人受刑者に対する日本語教育の現状と課題
    The Current Situation and Challenges of Japanese Language Education for Foreign Prisoners in Japan
    山下 克哉(早稲田大学大学院) 抄録/Abstract
    YAMASHITA Katsuya (Graduate Student, Waseda University)
  4. 「全件収容主義」は誤りである
    Contradictions Inherent in Japanese Government Policy on Mandatory Detention
    児玉晃一(弁護士) 抄録/Abstract
    KODAMA Koichi(Lawyer)
  5. 米国,オーストラリア,ドイツ,日本における留学生・高度人材誘致政策の比較
    Comparison of Policies to Attract International Students and Highly Skilled Foreign Workforces in the USA, Australia, Germany and Japan
    佐藤由利子(東京工業大学) 抄録/Abstract

JAMPS 2015 Spring Conference – Call for Papers

JAMPS is calling for papers for the 2015 Spring Conference. Members interested in giving a presentation at this conference should refer to the file below.


Date: Saturday, March 14, 2015
Time: 13:30~17:00 (tentative)
Venue: Waseda University

(Further details of the conference shall be posted on this page upon confirmation.)

The submission deadline for paper proposals is Friday, January 30, 2015.
Please refer to the following file for details.

JAMPS Paper Proposal Application and Guidelines

過去の大会/Past Conferences and Events
